7 Ways Facebook Can Attract Customers To Your Retail Business [pics]

Attract, Close & Delight Your Customers
Retailers, there is a good chance that many of your brick and mortar customers and prospective customers are online.
Not online to buy primarily, but online via social media like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to belong.
You know that because you’re on FB too.
You are on Facebook, right?
If not, you’re missing the boat.
Big time.
Social media offers an easy way to reach and influence your own unique niche customer base. But managing your social media presence might lead you to do some bad things …
I received a call from a distraught business owner. It seems his partner had a large FB following, but the business was bleeding money. When I dug deeper, the partner was using a contest app that had visitors like and share a daily post for a chance to win a $100+ item for free. Digging into the winners, these people weren’t even within their state!
When looking to attract and keep paying customers, don’t use such contests repeatedly as you’re just playing Santa Claus to people who don’t care about your success.
On the other hand...when you come up with great content that truly engages fans, they'll like, share and comment exposing their friends to your brand.
Here are 9 Smart Ways To Attract Customers With Facebook
1. Use analytics to time and target your posts.
The highest click thru, according to Sure Payroll is from 1-4pm with the highest on Wednesdays. The worst times? Weekends before 8am or after 8pm. Dig into your Facebook page’s Insights, so you can find exactly what works for your brand.
Adam Smith at York Barbell in York, PA uses analytics to do targeted marketing to help grow their reach and customers. He noticed that their second biggest market was in the Baltimore, MD area which is about an hour away from the store. He created a 2-week Facebook marketing campaign to Baltimore and got about 60 new followers. He also has all of the products broken down into different photo albums. And speaking of photos…
2. Add a picture.
Attach a photo to any status update and get 2x more likes and 2x the comments. Yes, you can still ask a question, “What’s your favorite _____ of ours?” but adding a picture makes it much more noticeable like MacSuperstore in Santa Barbara shows below.